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Use this technique to analyze precincts based on voter targeting criteria of your choosing. Once the data-set is filtered, you can see how many registered voters each precinct contains and the party breakdown, how many of the voters meet your target specifications, and what percentage that equates to. Now you are able to rank precincts and focus on those where your targeted message will be most effective.
To use precinct analysis to find out which precincts have the greatest potential for election day voters, see Prioritizing Polling Places.
How-to Video
Step-by-Step Instructions
- Identify the voters you wish to contact by utilizing webElect's Targeting tool. (If you are not familiar with this process, please first visit the Targeting Voters - Basics page.)
- On the Query Output Options page, select "Show Options" for Target Analysis
- Next, choose your desired output: Precinct Graph, Precinct Export (most common), Zip Export
- Finally, click Run Report
Last updated by Alli Bundy, created December 10, 2015